
February General Meeting

The Debt Spiral . . .
Elon and Vivek to the Rescue

Hope you joined us as we welcomed a very special Speaker

Michael Wheeler
Kendall County Chair and
SREC Committeeman for SD25

Mr. Wheeler has an MBA in finance from the University of Michigan, has 30 yrs of experience in corporate bond trading in New York City and London UK, as well as serving as Managing Director-Head of European High Yield trading for Bank of America and Morgan Stanley. Mr. Wheeler lives in Boerne, TX with his family.


DATE:     Tuesday, February 11, 2025
TIME:     11:30 AM Buffet, Speaker & Meeting: 12 – 1:00 PM
PLACE:   Baylor Club at McLane Stadium

** Doors open at 10:30 **


Prepaid tickets ONLY. Get your tickets today!
The deadline to make your reservation is 
NOON on Friday, February 7.

The MCRW JOB FAIR is back!

Visit our JOB FAIR booths where you will learn more about the MCRW Committees from the Chairs of those committees. Choose where you would like to serve and get involved. Meet new people and make a difference!

Membership * Political Activities * Communications * Caring for America *
Decorations * Research & Legislation * Member Relations * 
MCRW Events/Fundraising * Community Outreach

Click HERE for More Information

We look forward to seeing you there!


We appreciate all of you who pay for your tickets online with our easy tickets link. Our policy is to accept ONLY online pre-payment for our meetings and we will be strictly enforcing this policy. If you have difficulties in using the online tickets link, please email Ellie Cates and she will gladly walk you through the process. We truly appreciate your cooperation.

The Inauguration on the Brazos was a big success
AND a lot of fun!!



Thanks for your support!



We received this from the District Attorney’s
Crime Victims’ Services.

“For our victims, we can't keep in stock the Rice Krispy treats, they seem to be insanely popular.Also need:

  • The small snack bags of Oreos, Chip shots, and Ritz and Keebler mix box.
  • Easy, non stressful games like Go Fish, Crazy 8s, Old Maid, Memory, Bible Times Quiz, and regular playing cards.

Thank y’all again for your generous spirits."

Note: She also said a vacuum cleaner would be a bonus, so donations toward that would also be welcome.

 Click HERE to Donate

Your generosity is so appreciated!

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